Karate Persuasive speech

Karate Persuasive speech

Have you ever wanted to get into better shape? Have you wanted a better state of mind? Have you wanted to be a part of a community that is close-knit and loving? Hi, my name is Cal and I have been practicing karate for four years. Karate is an amazing sport that I think everybody should try.

Why take my word for it? First of all, I have gone to seven regional tournaments and competed in forms, sparring, and weapons forms earning me twelve assorted trophies. Another kind of tournament I go to are smaller tournaments with three teams of about five that compete in seven different events, sparring, wrestling, forms for belts, forms not required for belts, weapon forms, weapon fighting, bow and arrow shooting, obstacle course, and physical challenge. I have gone to thirty-three of these tournaments and our team has won about fifteen times. My second point is the belts. I have gone up seven belts in these four years and teach younger kids karate twice a week.

Karate’s been great for me, so why would it be great for you? Well, there is the security aspect. When you do karate, you do forms and weapons, but you also learn how to defend yourself. We learn gun defenses, knife defenses, and heavy blunt objects, like a pipe or a bat. If you ever feel unsafe on the streets, I highly recommend karate to you. We also do a vigorous workout every class, with push-ups, sit-ups, and other bodyweight exercises. We get stronger every day and have fun doing it in unique and creative ways. We burn fat, gain muscle, and have a fun time. When we workout, we feel like we are doing it for a purpose other than just working out. 

Another great aspect of karate is the community. We are all friends with the other people in our group. There are older kids that I look up to and younger kids that I can instruct and help become better. Mr Willie, our teacher, is our mentor and friend, devising new ways to help us and bring our small community together. We go to tournaments together, we do challenging things together, and we have a uniform. These shared experiences make us feel like a family.

Karate combines a nice balance of external and internal motivations. We are externally motivated by our belts, ranks, competitions, and peers. Our spirit of competition is a driving factor in our success. We compete to see who has the best strikes, forms, and strength. The competitions bring back trophies and tales of glory. And Internal motivation also relates to my friends. When I see them succeed, that makes me want to succeed even, when I see the people around me that I look up to, getting better, I will push myself to be better than them. I am the captain of our dojos team, and I want to set a good example for the younger people on said team.

Karate has changed the way I see the world and the way I see myself. To be a part that community is an honor and I would wish it upon all of you. Thank you!

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