Beckett Hanna

Class H

Coronavirus. The pandemic that is also known as COVID-19 is sweeping the globe and affecting everybody on the planet. It is spreading through human contact, forcing everybody to cancel their plans in an attempt to avoid contact with other people. 

 I know how quickly this can spread, as I live in the California Bay Area, where the virus quickly erupted and caused us all to go into self-quarantine. California has the third most cases by state in the US. This makes us all even more concerned about this, so Californians are sure to keep a six-foot radius between themselves and others so that the virus cannot spread as effectively. In order to be safe in this unprecedented time, you need to be very careful in general. Even with laws being enforeced, it is much more effective and needed that you stay home as much as possible during this time instead of going out. Being careful when out and about could mean not touching door handles and other commonly touched surfaces when avoidable, or maybe even just staying at home at all times, except to go and get essentials.

 COVID-19 can be quite alarming, as it can take up to fourteen days to incubate, meaning you could spread the disease without even knowing you had it. There are also people called supercarriers, who don’t show any symptoms of the virus, but they still go around spreading it. People who just don’t know that they have COVID-19 are what is causing this pandemic, as they will keep going around spreading it. This puts more support for the argument to stay at home except for when you need to go out and get essentials. Flattening the curve of the virus spread is an absolute essential in this situation.

 According to an article by Dave Lawler on, Italy went into a nationwide lockdown just 2 weeks after the first person was infected. We should all be taking this example to heart and avoid as much contact with others as possible in order to avoid what happened in Italy. Many people may ignore the government’s warnings and advice as the disease is mainly fatal to the elderly, but the virus isn’t just a risk for you.

 If you were to get the virus and then visit a retirement home, you are spreading the virus to people who could pass away from it, which is then on your conscience. Even if you don’t visit a retirement home, you could bring it back to your family and put them at risk. There is no excuse for that. Many stores and delivery companies will stay open for your benefit, and they see many different people in a single day. If you were to give COVID to one of them, then they would go to work and infect countless others all because you neglected to stay home. What is so important that you need to put hundreds, maybe thousands at risk? Is it because you’re bored? Did you want to go get a snack? For the safety of you, your family, and your entire community, stay home.

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