How to take care of Imps

How to take care of Imps

Tips and tricks on taking care of these difficult families

 Despite their fiendish nature, imps can be wonderful familiares if you care for them properly. There are a few things to think about before you get an Imp. You have to be ready for a lot of commitment and hard work in the first year or so. You must also be able to deal with the imp when they decide to be mischievous or rude. Imps normally work for demons and will be nicer and more loyal once they accept you as their master. 

Getting baby imps

Getting an imp as a baby is a great way to make it respect you and like you. But baby imps can be hard to take care of. They need a lot of warmth to stay happy and healthy. In the wild, imps live in the fiendish plain, which is constantly on fire. The baby imps will like it if you try and simulate this for the first couple of months. After that the imp should be properly acclimated to the material plain. If you can, it is good to get your imp at the beginning of summer so when it goes outside it can feel more at home. Baby imps also need you to provide food for them. They like to eat bigger insects like cockroaches and beetles. These are normally staples in any familer store.

Obtaining a baby imp is hard. Imps are quite common but they are normally summoned by demons fully grown. You can get a baby imp from a breeder but most of them are inhumane. The best way to get a baby imp is through summoning. There are warlocks who will summon baby imps for money. Most of them are travelers and sell their imps to people on the road but there are some full time summoners in big cities.

Adult imps

Adult imps mostly eat small rodents but can also eat bugs or store bought food. It is best to let your imp go hunting for a few hours a day to give them exercise and fresh food. Make sure to keep track of your imp during these outings. Good ways to do so are simple tracking spells and sending stones more complicated spells and artifacts can be found in stores. You can also find different tracking devices in your local farmilar store. 

You will need to provide some food for your imp. You can do this by hunting yourself or buying dead animals and feed. A big part of having an imp is the fact that they can talk to you in Common. Talking to you imp is important. They are very loyal and can make good friends but they don’t have good manners. All imps like humans have different personalities. If you are getting a full grown imp you must talk to it before you decide to adopt it and if you don’t like it’s personally then dont get it!

Why should you get an imp?  

Imps are very loyal and will help you at almost any cost once you gain their trust. They are also one of the most powerful familiars that you can get. They can shapeshift into rats, spiders, and bats. Imps can also turn invisible and see in magical or non magical darkness. These skills can be useful for scouting or surprise attacking when paired with good communication strategies.  Imps can be mischievous but are loyal and powerful making them a good familiar to have around. If you think you're up to the task of caring for and imp they make great familiars.

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