4 Reasons Why You Should Choose Dogs As Your Pet

4 Reasons Why You Should Choose Dogs As Your Pet

Kaelyn Tam

Have you been trying to find a pet, but are not sure what animal to get? Don’t worry, you don’t need to waste your time pondering. There is a simple answer that will resolve all of your decision making: Dogs. People looking for pets should choose dogs because they help with responsibility and are a good companion. They are also extremely loyal, which ties into being a good partner. People sometimes disagree that dogs are a good pet because they can be a handful, cause lots of expenses, and can be seen as somewhat bothersome. Owners may think that having such an intelligent and needy animal around may cause a plentiful of duties and tasks, but they will soon find out just why a dog helps train responsibility, but doesn’t need heaps of attention.

First, dogs help with responsibility because the dog owner takes them for daily walks, feeds them, and cleans up. Often, for parents of an older child, it gets hard to teach their kid about responsibility, and sometimes, taking one look at their room will make you turn your head around and give up. Taking dogs for walks each day will help older kids develop dependability and a routine which they will keep. Giving food to the dog each day is important, and can help teach almost anyone to establish responsibility. Starting out with a small task, like putting food in the dog bowl, will help gain a child’s maturity. Another aspect of how dogs help with responsibility is their cleanup. When cleaning up for a dog, after a bath or clipping toenails, there are many small parts that lots of kids can help with. From draining water to drying off, kids of all ages can help in different ways, and it allows them to see that they are participating to care for their dog. While helping with responsibility, dogs are also a great companion.

Dogs are a great companion because they help with the owner’s physical health. Once dogs develop trust and a good relationship with the person responsible for them, they will be overjoyed to see them once they come home, whether it was five minutes ago that they left, or after a nine hour work day. Although being alone can sometimes help reprocess things, or have time to oneself, there are many cons to loneliness. Loneliness can lead to depression and affect a person’s health in an undesirable way. Studies also show that a person who is lonely has a structurally and biochemically different brain, which causes them to perceive the world negatively. With a dog around, it will keep one’s spirits up, and prevent them from feeling a painful kind of loneliness. Another way dogs help with physical health is by building walks into their owner’s routine. Consistently walking with a dog at certain times of day will help prevent heart disease and it is shown that dog walkers/owners have lower blood pressure than those who don’t walk dogs. Dogs are also a good companion for babies. If a baby is younger than six months and they have a dog around, babies are less likely to get allergies or asthma. Also, young kids or babies who have dogs around won’t fear dogs as much. Consequently they will be more comfortable with animals in general as they grow older. Another way dogs show that they are a good companion is when autistic kids have them in their classroom and it is shown that having a dog there helps those kids relate more easily to their classmates. Overall, dogs are a great companion because they help with their owner’s health, help kids and babies, and keep people happy. While being a good companion is important, being loyal is also a great quality in dogs.

When someone speaks about a dog, or someone sees an adorable dog outside, many people immediately think one thing: loyalty. Dogs connect with humans easily, and are able to notice people’s moods, just as people can. Because of this bond, dogs will always come back to their guardian and often will even risk their lives. Dogs are pack animals, which gives them a good sense of faithfulness. Pack members depend on one another to survive, and without one another, they would all go down together. Dog trainers think that dogs have a similar view on humans too. Humans are part of their “pack”. Dogs think that loyalty will keep them alive, and that their life depends on it, which causes them to be even more trustworthy. Some example of how dogs risked their lives for humans would be when a dog was once found waiting outside a hospital because its owner was inside. The dog traveled two miles and had to cross a nature reserve, stream, and a busy 4-lane highway. There are so many examples out there of how dogs are loyal, but yet there are some counter arguments to why a dog wouldn’t be the best pet.

Many people feel discouraged to own a pet, especially ones with more work like dogs, because of the expenses, their lifespan, and barking. Expenses such as veterinary costs, food, and sometimes the dog itself. Dogs need checkups and shots just like an ordinary human, and need to be fed. You can decide to feed your dog the cheaper dog food, but it results in a less healthy body, which will cause more veterinary appointments. Another reason why some people don’t think dogs would be a good pet is because of their lifespan. Because of such loyalty, companionship, and trust, when it is time for a dog to go, it can be seen as a very painful experience. But if one is assured that their dog would be better off not suffering, or that they are in a better place, their sadness will cease and they will feel more comforted. Dogs can live about ten to seventeen years, and many people think choosing a pet with a longer lifespan would be better. An additional reason why some people don’t want dogs as a pet is because of their barking. Not all dogs bark, but some dogs like beagles and Pomeranians make heaps of noise, which leads to annoyance. Lots of times, neighbours, guests, or even the owner himself will find dog barking very disturbing. But there are many ways to understand and interpret what the dog wants, and by taking notice of their behaviour, there is definitely a way to stop the barking.

Though opinions regarding dogs travel around everywhere, dogs still remain the best pet. Having a dog around will help in lots ways, whether it’s the owner’s own health or the dog’s benefit for not being on the streets. Dogs have so many outstanding qualities, such as companionship, loyalty, and obedience. On top of all that, since there are so many dog lovers out in the world, you will get complimented and admired whenever you take your dog out!

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