Stuck inside with nothing to do!? Well we have some helpful tips for you!

Stuck inside with nothing to do!? Well we have some helpful tips for you!

6 Questions and 6 answers of typical things people ask

One of the top articles about what to do while stuck inside! I know that a lot of people, including me, have had some questions about Covid-19 so today I will be answering them for you

  Who do you stay with? So the people that you want to try to stay with would be your family even if that means flying on an airplane to get to them. You want to be with people who follow the rules and that you can trust. But if you can't fly home because it's too late then find a close friend that would let you stay with them.

What to do in quarantine? Well you can do anything you want that is possible in your house and not around people. So a couple fun things to do is you can set up a fun movie night and make popcorn and get candy. You can treat yourself by taking a nice bath with a bath bomb and having a spa night. Or a fun thing to do with friends is to do a Zoom sleepover. Now what is a Zoom sleepover you might ask, well it is where you call your friends on Zoom the app and then talk or play games all night, then when you are done you just leave the call and go to sleep.

When will quarantine be over? We as citizens are not fully sure and even the scientists are not fully sure about this. But some have been saying about 12-15 months and some have been saying 1-2 years. But this will also affect schools worldwide. People who are starting High School and college are not sure when school starts and this is a BIG part of their life, since school should start in august some school might not start then and have to start in November!

Where will you be staying? Going back to the first question you want to stay with family and that mostly means in a house that only has you and your family (it includes your pets of course)

Why are we all stuck inside? We are all stuck inside because of a big virus called the Corona Virus also known as COVID-19. This is a virus that affects your lungs and makes you cough and hard to breathe. It started in China a couple months ago and everyone thought oh it's not a big deal but then people who were asymptomatic flew to other countries and that's how the virus slowly spread.

How to stay safe? Make sure you wash your hands as much as possible so you stay clean and try not to go out anywhere unnecessary. That even means the grocery store and school. You should stock up on a lot of food. Where a mask (you can find directions on how to make your own masks online) Also you want to try to snag some hand sanitizer before it all goes out. Nowadays you will either find some but only be allowed to buy one or not be able to get any. So in that case you can also find recipes to make your own. If you want even more info on this topic you can look up Fauci and find tons of times that he talked to the country about this virus. That really matters because first this is an article about one of the biggest pandemics in the world and virus but also because now that you know more about this you can take extra steps to make sure you are safe. I hope that now you have read this article you can share it with your friends and family so they know some more things about this horrible time in our lives right now.

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