Are the Enrumpents Causing the Muggle Pandemic?

Are the Enrumpents Causing the Muggle Pandemic?

The beasts of inducing explosions may be responsible for transmitting the COVID virus to Muggles. 

People are quick to blame non-magical creatures for inducing the virus, bust what if Enrumpents are really the ones to blame? 

Many wizards are focused on how to cure the disease by non-magical means so as to keep the Muggles from discovering magic. This article was written in hopes to give some background information on how the disease was spread and why there is no cure currently. 

Enrumpents are large grey beasts. They look mostly like Rhinoceros, which is a common animal featured in Muggle ‘zoos’. They have a thick hide that repels most charms and curses, making it highly valuable. Their horn can pierce anything from skin up to metal and contains a deadly fluid which will cause anything it touches to explode. 

The enrumpents came across the disease while passing through China during their odd migration habits. Out resident Magizoologist, Newt Scamander supposes one of them may have been bitten by or exploded a bat.

A said before when an enrumpent’s horn pierces an object, it causes that object to explode, and when an enrumpent came across a bat or another small non-magical creature, it exploded it and the disease got into the enrumpent’s system. That enrumpent spread it to the others in its herd, and as a result, a deformed enrumpent who was unable to produce the exploding injection contracted the disease. She was admitted to the muggle ‘zoo’ under the guise of a rhinoceros and infected several staff members. 

The antidote has not been found because the original enrumpent who transmitted the disease has passed away, and most other enrumpents are incredibly dangerous. Most every person they come into contact with ends up exploded or trampled, and in order to collect samples of blood to locate the origins of the disease, the person has to… you know…. survive

As Newt Scamander recommends, “stay away from enrumpents, muggles... and honestly just anyone because you can’t tell who’s got it.”  

Stay safe!

By Taylor

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