


Shaan Kapoor

Ebola, COVID, Smallpox, Influenza, SARS, these are just some of the viruses that we know of… but have you ever heard of BUDVID-23? 

BUDVID-23 was a virus that started in the small town of Greenwich, CT. The city of Greenwich is highly known for its citrus fruits, and its Michelin Star restaurants. The most famous chef in all of Texas, Charles Cecilio, runs his own restaurant in Greenwich called The Square. The Square is a One Michelin Star restaurant that is highly renowned for its square food. To create this square food, Chef Cecilio has to use THE FOOD COMPRESSOR 6000! The device is basically a portable hydraulic press. It has a bottom platform which the food item sits on, and a giant press which comes down from the top. The only problem with this machine is that germs can stick to it extremely easily. 

One day, Chef Cecilio’s cousin Marcus Cecilio asked if he could borrow THE FOOD COMPRESSOR 6000 to test something out. Marcus had an idea which could help his cousin’s restaurant become even better! His idea was to turn lemons into cubes so they would be easier to squeeze. One of the problems with lemons is that they have a lot of citric acid. Due to the number of germs built up on THE FOOD COMPRESSOR 6000, the citrus in the lemons caused a reaction. Although citrus can sometimes be used for making hand sanitizer, this high level of germs and citric acid, created a chemical reaction which was never seen before. Little did young Marcus know… he would be the first victim of the Budlight virus of 1923. 

After Marcus was done using the compressing machine, he returned it to Chef Cecilio, along with some cubed lemons as a gift.

“Cough Cough!” 

“Are you okay Marcus?” asked Chef Cecilio.

“I don’t know, I have had this bad cough all week!” responded Marcus. 

“You should get that checked. Worst comes to worst, it might just be strep throat,” said Chef Cecilio.

“Yeah, you are probably right. Anyways, here is your machine, and some cubed lemons as well!” said Marcus.

“Cool, thanks!” replied Chef Cecilio.

Later that day, Marcus was on his way to go see the doctor when… he collapsed. No one was there to help Marcus, so he was just left on the ground to die. 

A week after Marcus’s funeral, a small group of doctors found that the cause of Marcus’s death wasn’t strep throat, wasn’t lung cancer, it was something else… It was BUDVID-23. Leading doctor Heidi O’Hare from Harvard Medical School, discovered that the root cause for BUDVID was actually, high levels of citrus mixed together with bacteria and germs. 

It took Dr. O’Hare and her team almost a month to get anywhere close to finding a vaccine. Although, during that time, Chef Cecilio’s Restaurant The Square, started to lose some of its customers due to the Budlight virus. Everyone in the restaurant got the virus, but not Chef Cecilio. Even though he was constantly touching THE FOOD COMPRESSOR 6000, he never had any symptoms. Dr. O’Hare heard about Chef Cecilio and got curious, so she invented a machine that can tell if you have had the virus in the past and if you have beaten it. Chef Cecilio was the first person to use the machine and it turns out… he actually did have the virus in the past, but not once, 6 times!! Dr. O’Hare was intrigued by these results and the next day, she went for a visit to Chef Cecilio’s Kitchen. 

“Lovely kitchen you’ve got here!” said Dr. O’Hare.

“Thank you, would you like to see the back?” responded Chef Cecilio. 

“SURE!” said Dr. O’Hare.

After spending some time there, Dr. O’hare and her team found some interesting stuff.

Citrus is one of the root causes of the virus, and surprisingly also the thing that could end it. Since Marcus was working with a lot of lemons, and lemons already have a lot of citric acids, the virus needed something to dilute the amount of acid. Chef Cecilio had secretly been working with the Rangpur fruit which he had imported from India to develop a new desert. Even though Chef Cecilio was the only one that ever came in contact with the food compressor (after Marcus), since he had been using the Rangpur fruit, it removed all traces of the virus. Chef Cecilio had constantly been moistening the Rangpur and washing it with soap.

This information helped Dr. O’hare build a vaccine. She used some of her old textbooks and the evidence from the restaurant, to help deliberate how much of all of the ingredients she needed. During this time of the vaccine being built, there came out to be a lot more cases, and a huge spread. Luckily, the virus didn’t spread past the city of Greenwich, CT. In almost a week and a half, Dr. O’Hare and her team developed 45,000 vaccines. Chef Cecilio didn’t need the whole dose of the vaccine since he never got the virus; he only needed a small amount to keep his body healthy and immune to the virus.

 In remembrance of his cousin Marcus Cecilio, the chef decided to re-name his restaurant to… The Square By Charles and Marcus.

Make sure you carry on the tale of the Budlight virus of 1923.

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