Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon

“In the name of the moon,” Sailor Moon grabbed her tiara, “I’ll punish you!” 

As a young kid, I was amazed by how resilient Sailor Moon was. She would always prevail even throughout the direst circumstances. Quickly I became obsessed with her and the show, watching it every night under my parent's supervision. 

One afternoon, I had come home from school ready to watch the new episode, when my parents decided to regulate my consummation of the show. Due to their new rules, I wouldn’t be able to watch an episode that night. The episode I was planning to watch would be the conclusion to the season! It would wrap up everything leading up to it! 

The computer that I watched on Sailor Moon was downstairs in the living room. If only I could get it to my room, I’d be able to watch the show to no problem! I concocted a plan to acquire my computer, I’d hang out in the living room and when no one else was there, I’d make a run for it. 

When executing the plan, everything was going fine! I successfully got my computer and took it to my room! Although after, guilt emerged through my emotions. I felt guilty because I knew my parents would be disappointed and mad. I was happy while watching the show but also…ashamed.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door! 

“Please open up the door,” my father said calmly. My gaze drifted down to Sailor Mercury on my screen, and then I panicked. I quickly moved my computer under my bed and opened the door to face my parents with an angelic smile on my face. 

“Do you know where your computer is?” he asked, and his eyes pierced through me. Suddenly, I didn’t know what to say. Should I tell the truth, or should I lie and take the chance of being found out? I barely managed to mumble,

“No..” I lied. My father blinked. 

“The consequences for telling the truth are less harsh then lying, Hana,” he stated while pushing past me, into my room. I covered my face with my hands out of embarrassment, and when I peeked through my hands, I saw my computer in his hand.

Quickly I came face to face with the consequences of my actions. I was spanked until I couldn’t feel my butt anymore and my computer was confiscated. A less direct outcome was that they trusted me less, and didn’t give me as much freedom as before. They would monitor my computer usage more under the assumption I wasn’t doing what I said I was doing.    

In this circumstance, though I shouldn’t have taken the computer in the first place, lying made everything more complicated for all parties involved. They didn’t trust me with money, food, or technology afterwards. Eventually, I regained their trust, but this experience shaped my morals around telling lies.

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