Why should you be spending at least 15 minutes outside everyday? - Adam Chane

Why should you be spending at least 15 minutes outside everyday? - Adam Chane

Hello my name is Adam Chane. Lately it has been tough to go outside during this pandemic. Today, I am going to be talking about spending time outside. You should spend at least 15 minutes outside everyday because it increases your overall health.

I am someone who always goes outside every day to get exercise. I play baseball a lot. Whenever I am outside and active sometime before a game, I play much better and feel way more active. Studies show being active outside helps your blood pressure, and decreases cancer risk. Being outside increases vitamin D. When the sun hits your skin there is a chemical reaction. It is important for you to get vitamin D in order to maintain strong bones and a strong immune system. A lack of Vitamin D can lead to bone deformities and weak bones

Being outside and spending time in the sunlight boosts your physical health. Scientists say that breathing in phytoncides, airborne chemicals produced by plants, increases our number of white blood cells, helping us fight off infections and diseases. There are specific airborne chemicals exclusive to nature. These specific chemicals are key to staying healthy. Depending on the size of one's home, most physical activity such as cardiovascular exercise may most easily be performed outside. As a kid it is especially important to have a strong immune system to maximize early growth and learning. Time outside promotes the healthier lifestyle because we are generally more active while outside. Many studies have shown that 15 mins is the minimum number that your body thrives from being outside for.

Now the mental side. Believe it or not but spending time outside and in the sunlight is a massive boost to mental health. Reduced sunlight which you would obviously have if you stayed indoors, or if it's overcast for a long period of time, causes a drop in serotonin levels that may trigger depression. Serotonin is a hormone that relates to helping yourself be more focused and in a better mood. It is the opposite of melatonin which helps you sleep. When sunlight goes through the eye, it goes into a special area called the retina, which triggers serotonin to activate which causes a higher level of focus and a better mood. Blue light or an artificial light that goes into your eyes does not have the same effects as sunlight.

Because of the mental and physical benefits of quality time outside, everyone should be spending at least 15 minutes outside every day. Also it is free to be outside, we should take advantages that are given right to us to increase our overall health.

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