Viktoria Marsden reveals her top wand picks for the coming seasons

Viktoria Marsden reveals her top wand picks for the coming seasons

Viktoria Marsden is a 24-year-old model. She is the daughter of billionaire Mark Marsden CEO of brooms inc. as you all know the spring  season starts in 2 weeks, so you need to be ready with the latest fashion. She looked through the catalog to find you the best and most trendy options for your spring wands. All the wands are available at

1. Crystal sunflower

The crystal sunflower is the best overall wand. It looks absolutely stunning. The wand looks exactly like you would imagine, a sunflower made out of Glittering crystal. It is responsive and quick to spells. And is a perfect Size(not too big not too small).

2. Itty bitty Cherry blossom 

Mini wands! There the next big thing. Perfect to fit in a handbag or in your Itty bitty pockets. Although not an everyday item it is nice to have in a Pinch. And this one is so adorable. It looks like a tiny section of branch with a single cherry blossom.

3. Freckle me not

Looking for a simple staple wand. This wand is beautifully simple. A long rod of deep mahogany covered in white freckles. It goes with every outfit. And responds to every spell. If you only buy one wand buy this one

4. Star stuck 

Elegant and classy, the two words that describe this want. It has an old Classic star wand head and a rod of black stained wood. But unlike older Designs the night sky is depicted on the wand. The constellations changing depending on your location. If you are looking for a new spin on A classic design buy this wand

5. Subtle Barrett

Does your friend’s mom not allow wands in the house but you want to Show off your latest trick, this is the wand for you. While a bit fiddly to use, and not the most responsive of the type. Because it fits with the mini Wand trend and is so useful, we have to put it at number six

6. Flower bomb

Have you ever wanted a wand that was just a bouquet of flowers this is the wand for you. While a bit usual the wand itself is actually really good quality. It is extremely responsive And becomes an extension of your self(once you get past the fact that it is so unusual)

7. Spring showers

This wand looks stunning. It is a glass wand and inside tiny water droplets continuously falling inside. The bottom tiny flowers sit.  Although It is a good quality wand, and very pretty. It is extremely breakable. Viktoria broke it inside her purse on a car ride, Because of this, she could not rank it higher than 7, but the novelty of the item gained it a spot.

8. Little dove

This wand is a little sculpture of a dove. Even though it was cute and fit with the mini wand trend. It is extremely uncomfortable to hold. Despite that It’s pretty responsive. It has more merit as desk decoration than a wand

9. Sun Beam 

A simple pick. It is a yellow rod with a sun on top. It is a bit dated but a More affordable pick. And is very responsive

10 Pretty in pink 

The description is pretty much in the title. It is a basic pick but always a reliable pick. Not the most responsive. It is a wand that will never go out Of style. Just a simple wooden rod painted in a light pink

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