The First Time I Met Abiene

The First Time I Met Abiene

Eve Kavanaugh 


Writers Workshop

It was my first day in 6th grade at Synapse School, and I was so nervous that it was hard to talk to kids. It was a new school with new kids in a new environment. I had two other friends that came with me from my old school, Nick and Ani. I was so nervous that I felt butterflies in my stomach. When I saw my two other friends I felt much better. I told myself I was going to make at least one new friend by the end of the school day. The only part that was hard about it was the part where I had to actually be social. Once I am comfortable with people then I start to be myself and then I’m outgoing and talkative. But my two other friends weren't being very social, so I decided that I would have to be the one to make new friends so I got started.   

One of the first things we did that day was a scavenger hunt. So we could  know the school a bit better. We were put into random groups, unfortunately, and no one I recognized was in that group with me. There were two kids that have been at Synapse before and three kids, including me, that were brand new. I just started following the two experienced kids around. We went to the art room, warehouse, then the loft. 

Eventually, I started to talk with the other kids even though I didn't know them. I asked, “How many years have you been at Synapse? Have you liked the school so far? What school did you go to before Synapse?” They started talking back to me. The rush I felt other people interacting with me was exhilarating. I felt like I had a voice, I could speak, and I was putting myself out there. 

After the scavenger hunt was snack time, which I was really scared about. I walked outside and this girl tapped me on the back. I turned around and she said, “Hi, I’m Abiene, are you new?” 

I say, “Hi I’m Eve, yeah I’m new.” I see my two other friends and tell Abiene that I have to go she says ok and I walk away. The second I start walking I feel really guilty I thought, I should have invited her to sit with me or something. 

As I’m sitting with my two friends, I see Abiene walking over to me. She comes over holding a peach, she says, Hey, can I have my peach with you?” 

I say, “Of course!” and we all start eating. First, it was kind of awkward. No one was saying anything. I kept shoving food in my mouth so no one would talk to me. 

Finally, Abiene speaks up and says, “Ahh, I love my peach. It’s so good looking.” Then I realize that this whole time she has barely even taken a bite out of her peach and instead was just staring at it. She kept rambling on about how good her peach was: “, it's just so plump and juicy…” 

I immediately thought, wow she's weird; I’m probably never talking to her again. But then, she finally took a bite and her face was full of satisfaction. 

It was hilarious. I looked at her and just started laughing. She made me laugh so hard. She became my new friend for the day even though I thought she was a little weird. I finally realized that she is a person who isn’t afraid of what others think. She made me happy. 

Luckily, Abiene always stuck around. To this day, Abiene is now one of my very best friends. I have learned a lot from her. One thing I learned was that good things can come from letting new people into your life. I definitely do not regret it.


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