The Time I Had Sisters

The Time I Had Sisters

 By Gianna Guzman

 I was in my bed with a fuzzy warm blanket that kept me warm, while in the background it sprinkled a bit of rain. My mom had an appointment at the doctors, so I put on my black ugg boots and walked with my mother to the white truck. We didn't get an umbrella because the rain was very soft, so it didn't really feel like there was rain. The car had been cold because it was left out in the humid, rainy, and cold weather for a while so my mom cranked the heat to 80 degrees and the car started to get warmer. While it was getting warmer I had made the seat flat. My mother drove to the hospital while I was eating a frosted cookie that was soft,  chewy and got all over my clothes. My mother had gotten mad at me, but I had no clue why she was mad at me, so I made a bored face like I didn't care. But that made my mother even more mad. 

So the rest of the way to the hospital there was silence in the car, while the rain hit the ceiling and made a donk sound. Once we reached the hospital I was clueless why we were here. So I sat in the lobby while we were called on to go to a room. The room was small, squished and smelt like vanilla, but a weird vanilla. The doctor had come in with an ultrasound. I knew what was happening. Before I was going to have a sister but she had died, and I was very sad. I've always wanted a sister. When the ultrasound was done the doctor gave us a surprise that we were gonna have twins! My mom had happy tears on. 

I was confused and I hugged her thinking that she was crying because we lost another baby, but she told me why she was crying. I was filled with excitement. I was jumping in the room, I was saying “I'm going to have sisters!!” My mother told me to calm down because there were other people next door and she thought I was disturbing them. Having twin sisters is important to my identity because not many people have twin siblings but I do!

A couple months had passed, and my mothers belly was the size of a pumpkin that ate another pumpkin. I loved laying on my mom's belly feeling my sister kick. The kick felt light and weak because the babies are small and weak. Another month had passed and we were at my aunts for a small hangout. I was playing Fortnite with my cousin when I heard loud screaming outside. The screaming sounded like pain. My mother had gone into labor!!!! I was freaked out by my aunts and cousins. I had to spend the night with my aunts while my mom stayed in the hospital with my dad. I was worried and wanted to see my mother, and I didnt know what had happened after she left. Once it was time I went over with my mother, and she was sweating everywhere, and she was so tired that she had slept for so long while I was there. I hated that she was sleeping because I wanted to talk with her, but I saw my sisters and they were slimy and stinky. I saw my dad and I talked with him and he told me something that blew my mind and got me freaked out! He said “Your mother died for a few minutes and came back to life…!” I was stunned at the words my father had said and I couldn't speak. 

I went and walked to my mother and hugged her while she was sleeping because I don't want to lose her. The day went, and I watched the city go from daylight to dark. The room was quiet while the TV was playing with a show I didn't care about. All I had in my mind was my sisters and the thought that I want to be the best sister to them because I never had a bigger sister to play with. At first I hated having sisters because they were so tiny and did not wake up but they pooped all day! I hated it too much but once they kept growing up I realized that I need to be patient. Once they were 4 years old I read them stories I had and played barbies but I realized I didn't have time on my own. I wanted some time on my own to happen but it didn’t for a while. 

I saw that my sister asked and asked me so many times I hated it and I told them, “I need to play on my own today so please leave.” They screamed in the hallways. While pounding on the floor, I made this tiny chart that was very messy writing with glitter sprinkled everywhere, but it was saying what time I had for myself and for them. For a while it worked like I wanted it to, but the time flew by and I got older and they got older. I started to focus on me, because I had a lot of stress and homework on me so I couldn't play with them, but they were twins and they have each other. So I have those times with them, but now it's really just me and really just them. 

The End.



Assembly Performance

Assembly Performance