Moving to Tahoe

Moving to Tahoe

It was a typical day when we were having a vacation in Tahoe. I got up from my bed and had to shake my sister’s bunk bed for her to wake up! I got ready to just chill and maybe take my dog out for a walk while I was eating breakfast, and then my parents said, “Kiana and Diana? Do you guys want to explore houses in Incline Village?” I decided I wanted to go. We went into the car and drove over to Incline Village. The lake was bright blue and beautiful, I saw super beautiful houses and we found a really nice one. It was right on the lake and had enough grass space for my dog to love it too! My parents told me we were going to move, so I was shocked and worried that I was going to lose my friends. 

Our parents also opened up a new option: Pennsylvania. They wanted to move there because my cousins live there! So we flew all the way there and looked for houses. There were super cool houses and awesome places to visit. But we were too attached to this one house in Incline Village. It was right by the lake and had a bedroom downstairs for my grandma. It had a room for me next to my parent's room and the same for my sister! My two older siblings also got a room for only them. It was like it was made for us! After thinking about it for a while we decided to actually move, and it was official. I did most of my online classes at Synapse from my new house, and at the end of the year, I moved to a school in Tahoe.

 I was so worried about my friends and whether I would like the people at my new school or not.  I did a shadow day and it wasn't that bad, but that didn’t stop me from worrying. When the first day of school came, I was excited and worried, but it wasn't as bad as I expected. At first, everyone was distant and I didn’t feel like I belonged in this school. Everyone knew everything about everyone, but I didn’t know anything. That's when I thought I would have the worst time of my life in Tahoe. No friends sounded like a nightmare to me. I was really upset and was angry that my parents had made us move to somewhere I couldn’t even make a friend. This was horrible; how was I supposed to be happy without any friends? 

Then, people were more kind towards me, and I was beginning to connect with students at my school. I was nervous which made it hard. But one day, I found another set of twins! We connected like that. I, my twin sister, Diana, and the other pair of twins became a friend group. Their names were Ariel & Emily. Ariel and I were a duo in the group and Diana & Emily were a duo. We would hang out at our local Starbucks and study. 

As time went on I met new people, but none of them were my friends yet. I was getting more social and became more comfortable with people.  We were all working on a project together when I first met Mackenzie, Jax, Stellan, Parker, and Angie, and we quickly grew close. My twin friend group and I decided we were going to invite all of them to form one huge friend group. They decided that they all wanted to be in a group with us! I finally started making friends! Life was getting so much better and I was so happy that I could make friends with somebody.

My worries about not having friends were gone because I had finally made some. I was happy since I knew I had many friends who would stay with me. Making friends wasn’t something I had to worry about because I knew they were real. I was a lot happier and everyone was friendlier.

My Skiing Journey

My Skiing Journey

Friends and Fungi

Friends and Fungi