Zany Ziplining

Zany Ziplining

By Callum Bennett

I awoke to the bright sun peeking through my window. I opened my eyes and took a deep breath of fresh air as I stood up. Birds chirped in the background, and I stepped outside and closed the door. The green jungle gazed down at me as I remembered where I was: Costa Rica. 

I stared down at my empty plate after finishing my breakfast. The food was just so good! My family and I were staying in a lodge called La Carolina. The food was exquisite and freshly made by the cooks: we ate a traditional meal, Gallo Pinto, which includes rice, beans, and a variety of vegetables like onions and bell peppers. I sat back, satisfied while admiring the beautiful scenery, my brothers eating beside me. 

I walked back to the cabin and greeted Papa Jack (my grandfather) as he made his way towards the rest of my family. I shut the door to the small shack I shared with Ronan (big brother) and Papa Jack. I crouched down to my bag and started rummaging through my stuff, getting ready for today. We were going zip lining!

I sat in the back seat of the van peering through the window, still awed by how gorgeous nature was. Our guide Orlando was driving us to our destination. He led us on many adventures, and he knew Costa Rica because it was his home. I heard giggling to see my brothers messing around next to me. 

“No, YOU say it like ‘HORSEYS,’” Finn (my little brother) giggled to my older brother, trying (and failing) to keep it quiet. I smiled quietly, entertained by my brother's silliness.

“Whatever you say,” Ronan said, as he grinned at me. Orlando cleared his throat, preparing his debrief about today. 

“Today, as you might have guessed, we are going zip lining,” he paused. “I believe it is your first time for all of you,” he glanced at Mom and she nodded, “so I am going to teach you about ziplining.

When we arrived, I stretched and got out of the car after the long drive. As we walked over to the ziplining site, I gazed overhead at the birds flying and chirping. I focused back onto the ground after a little while; we had already seen 6 snakes this trip and I didn’t want to step on one. 

We scheduled our ziplining to start around 11 and it was 10 now. We followed Orlando to the lodge where we grabbed our gear and we got our instructions. I was  dazing off into the jungle, not really listening to our speaker. Orlando already explained what ziplining was entirely and what to look for in this experience. I was brought back when I saw my family getting their gear assembled. I quickly got my jacket on with a heavy clip which I would attach to the zipline. 

“Are you ready?” Ronan questioned. 

“Yeah I’m fine,” I replied. I admitted more, “I guess I'm just a little nervous.” 

“Pff, you don’t have anything to worry about,” he reassured me. “We are here.”

I decided to go first. Why did I do this? I questioned myself. I took a deep breath and stepped up to the zipline. A man stood there, waiting on me. Silently I clipped myself to the long rope. It seemed to go on forever…

I glance back to my mother who gave me an encouraging smile and I turn back around. 

“3...2...1… GO!” I opened my eyes to find myself soaring through the air! I opened my mouth to exclaim something but stopped myself. The gorgeous trees seemed so little from up here. I could only be a hundred feet above them though. I gripped onto the rope holding me up tight as I started gaining speed. I was zooming! I passed over a river, and I gawked as I saw the beauty of nature. The moist air rushed into my face as I flew through the sky. I couldn’t stop but smile as I came closer and closer to the second ledge. And then it was over.

I blinked as I picked myself up and unclipped myself. Did that really just happen? I turned around to see Ronan getting closer and closer. I stood back as the springs broke down his speed to a stop. I rushed over to him when he got reoriented, and I gave him a big hug. 

“That,” I said, pausing to catch my breath. 

“Was AWESOME!” Ronan laughs finishing my sentence. I sighed while turning to the massive jungle, a smile spreading across my face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes and grinned back at Ronan knowing this was a precious moment for both of us and I would never forget this. 

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