Help Others in Need

Help Others in Need

Pearl Cortez

My mother was calling me and if I am being honest, I thought I was in trouble. Turns out I was invited to join my sister Destiny’s community service program that she was in. I was so excited but not. I really thought about it and I said, “Thank you for the invitation but I don’t think I can do it,” I said. 

“Y porque no,” my dad asked. 

“Well I am already busy because I have soccer, cheer, and school, and I have high school applications, and I don’t think adding another thing to my life is the smartest choice unless you want me to go to sleep late because I am doing community service and then soccer and then cheer and then homework,” I said. 

“Well it's fine with me,'' my dad said. 

“Ok,” I said. Even though I was stressed out about the idea of being really busy, I was excited. I had envisioned it as fun trips because every time I was invited to join a trip it was always trips to see a movie, to go swimming. Except it's actually community service. I didn’t get upset about the fact that I was doing things to help others; if anything, I actually found it nice to help others in need. 

I wasn’t actually sure when I had community service, but I was fine with it because I can always rely on my sister Destiny. Destiny was in the program 2 years ago and she knew the program really well. I was lucky to have someone that I know at the program because I didn’t want to be alone. One day when I got picked up from school, we went to go get my sister Destiny and she told me we had community service. I was a bit nervous because I didn’t really know anyone. 

Before I had joined the program, their meetings would also be at the sheriff’s station by the sports house. So, when my dad stopped the car in front of a random house and I yelled, “PAPÁ, ¿POR QUÉ ESTÁS PARANDO? ¡VAMOS A LLEGAR TARDE!”

It turns out we were at the place where we were going to be making a ramp for a lady who is using a wheelchair. Once we got out of the car, I was so nervous that in my head I said, “OMG I am so scared. What should I do? What should I say? Oh my gosh!”

I walked about to the leader of the community service program and all he said was,“Hello, today we are going to build a ramp and currently we are digging out some dirt to make the ramp nice and straight and not wobbly.” 

“Great!” I said. 

After that little conversation I was still nervous but not as much anymore. As I was working, I suddenly realized I WAS IN WHITE JEANS! My heart literally died. Anyways I was working, and then I noticed I was wearing my super awesome brand new shoes! Everything was going wrong. I continued working, and I was panicking so much because I had soccer practice at 6 and community service was going to be done at 7. I was sure that I told my dad that, but I was also sure that he forgot. He forgets a lot of things, like a lot. It's kind of funny but not. 

I told Destiny and she said,“Seriously Desire, call him.” (Desire is my middle name, which is what I go by at home.) 

“Ok,” I said. 

I called my dad with no answer. I called my mom with no answer. I called my sister Michelle with no answer. Finally Michelle called me and said, “What?” 

“Tell Dad that I had soccer practice,” I said. 

“Ok,” Michelle said. 

So after the call I continued working. It felt like I was gardening considering the fact that we were only digging up dirt. A few minutes went by and I was getting worried. It was 5:50pm and I had soccer at 6:00pm. I was so nervous, until finally my dad came and I talked to the leader of the program and explained to him why I am leaving early than the rest of the others, and after that I quickly walked to the car, got in and I said, “CAN YOU HURRY! I NEED TO CHANGE, AND WE NEED TO GET TO THE FIELD QUICKLY!”

“OK,” my dad said. We ended up getting to the field a few minutes late which I was ok with. 

      A few days later…

After the first time doing community service, I wasn’t too crazy about it, but I was actually excited to know what else we were going to be doing. So on October 29 of 2021 we were told that we will be doing a drive through trick or treating for kids. At the event, I was an inflatable Scooby-doo, and let's just say I was kinda famous for a moment. It was a fun experience and just seeing the smile on some kids faces just brought me joy. I just instantly got a lovey dovey feeling, but didn’t want anyone to know that. It was nice knowing that I helped set up the drive through and was a part of it, because I was one on TV and I could look at myself and by like,

      “I did that.” 

I look at myself and I see a girl who has a smile on her face because she is helping others, and she loves doing it. 

Towards the end of 2021 we plan on having a Christmas surprise gift plan (I actually don’t know what it is called) where we will be sending gifts to families who can’t afford certain things, and we will shop for the kids and deliver them in person! I am so excited because I saw them do this last year, before I was a part of the program, and I was like,

“I am going to join the program because I want to do that.” 

I like the extended program but basically I am looking forward to doing this because looking at families who can hardly provide things for their kids is just upsetting, and I think that sometimes miracles happen. I just can’t wait to see the kids' faces when they receive the gifts! 

So, I have been doing community service for a couple of months and enjoy it a lot. I hope to make my own program of community service because I love seeing others' smiles and just looking at myself and noticing that I can make children smile. I think to myself I could make a difference in the world. I am strong.

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