Why Creative Arts Programs Should Be Implemented Into Schools For Teachers and Parents.

Why Creative Arts Programs Should Be Implemented Into Schools For Teachers and Parents.

Tryston Stone

A common misconception is that the creative arts aren’t as important as core classes. However, a recent study done by Shirley Brice from Stanford University shows that engaging in creative arts improves cognitive skills, reading and writing skills, and mathematical ability. Teachers and schools should encourage creative arts programs because they are proven to improve overall learning skills.

The creative arts gives your kids a chance to use the creative side of their minds. Creativity is not just important now but it also is for the near future. People project that by the year 2035 over five million jobs will be automated. This is even going on today. Going even further into the future more and more jobs will be automated. Although this is in the far future it’s always there. This means that creativity is going to be an essential skill of the future generation. Let’s take photography or cinematography as an example, to be a successful photographer or cinematographer creativity clearly plays a big role. Every little detail is indispensable and has to be well thought out. For example, the scaling, the framing, the colors, and the editing in an image can significantly impact the outcome. Jobs in the future that require lots of creativity will be the ones humans will always excel at.

In addition to the future, giving your kids more opportunities to explore the subjects that they may or not be interested gives experience and more choice to answer their lives question. Although looking into the future is a valid and good reason for the creative arts, just giving your kids another opportunity to explore extracurricular activities give them the choice and more options of what they want to do. Example being, the more options that are presented with the more options you get to pick from.

People might think creativity can’t be taught but studies done by George Land, author of Breaking Point and Beyond, tested children's ability to find alternate solutions in mathematical problems and art related activities. Based on the test results this showed that students that are taught by working hands-on and in untraditional school systems including project-based learning can be taught the essential pieces of creative thought processing and creative learning.

Teachers and students should implement creative art program into their school's systems. It’s proven to be beneficial to students and also the skill of creativity can be taught when taught correctly. You never know what your kids can do unless you give them the option to expand their creative thinking.

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